

Singer / Song Writer / DJ / Producer


美国SXSW 2020压轴演出艺人



Us Sxsw 2020 finale artist

Be on the top of the iTunes list for many times

True cross-over girl


用关西腔(日本方言)唱着歌,叉着腿,穿着高跟鞋,浓烈的口红搭配黑色长发。大門弥生是来自日本备受关注的先锋女歌手/词曲作者/DJ/Dancer/制作人。看见这4个斜杠,你就知道她确实是个不简单的宝藏。 这个被日本媒体评价为下一代「QUEEN&DIVA」的年轻女孩,即将在全球掀起一波新的浪潮。

Singing in Kansai (Japanese dialect), cross legged, wearing high heels, strong lipstick and long black hair. Yayoi Daimon is a highly regarded pioneer female singer / Songwriter / DJ / Dancer / producer from Japan. When you see these four slashes, you will know that she is indeed a treasure. This young girl, who is regarded as the next generation of "Queen & Diva" by Japanese media, is about to set off a new wave in the world.

《Melon Soda》


受到黑人音乐的影响的她,编舞、音乐、造型全都由她一个人创作,10岁就加入了大型唱片公司举办的活动,2017年发行了「メロンソーダ feat Rei©hi」 、「Choose Me feat Reichi 」, 在iTunes HIPHOP/REGGAE CHART上获得第一名,一跃成为备受瞩目的存在。这两首歌的MV在YouTube上播放了400万次以上。2019年将据点转移到洛杉矶,将她的才华带到海外,她动态的评论栏中英语和其他语种占了一半以上。 

Influenced by black music, she created choreography, music and modeling all by herself. At the age of 10, she joined the activities held by large record companies. In 2017, she released "「メロンソーダ feat Rei©hi」 、「Choose Me feat Reichi 」. These two songs got the first place on iTunes Hip-hop, Reggage Chart. The videos of the two songs have been played more than four million times on YouTube. In 2019, she will move her stronghold to Los Angeles and bring her talents overseas. English and other languages account for more than half of her dynamic comments.


In 2020, Yayoi Daimon officially signed the first all-female "live girl" in China Elec.Girl The brand will continue to bring us high-quality music, MV and live performances.



First acquaintance with Yayoi Daimon

第一次看到大門弥生是在油管上,一首名叫《NO BRA!》的MV吸引了我们。如果大家对我们有所了解,应该知道2018年“电气女士音乐节”的Slogan是“NO BRA”,为倡导“女性穿衣自由”,这场演出中,所有NO BRA的女性都可以免票进场。2020年我们成立了“带电女孩”厂牌,终于与大門弥生产生了联系。 

《NO BRA!》这首歌表达女孩们不要在意自己胸部的大小,不在意他人的眼光,过自由自在的生活方式,对自己更有自信,会更加有活力并光彩照人。是一部可爱、先锋、看了会让人上瘾的作品。

The first time I saw Yayoi Daimon was on Youtube, and we were attracted by an MV called "no bra!". If you have any idea about us, we should know that slogan of the "electric ladies' Music Festival" in 2018 is "no bra". In order to advocate "women's freedom to dress", all women in no bra can enter the show free of charge. In 2020, we set up the brand of "Elec. Girl" and finally got in touch with Yayoi Daimon.

The song "no bra!" expresses that girls don't care about the size of their breasts, don't care about other people's eyes, live a free life style, have more confidence in themselves, will be more energetic and radiant. It is a lovely, avant-garde and addictive work.




Girls' Trilogy in progress


In March 2020, Yayoi Daimon was working with different types of producers. She released three Girls Eps. It is categories by different themes in three Eps, there are "Girls to strong", "girls love", "girls - Diamonds".




Social Media In progress

在疫情期间,国内外的大小演出都无法进行。大门弥生和朋友MARIN搞起了有趣的YouTube节目——「MAKE UP×COVER SONG」,从仿妆到cover,Alicia Keys、Doja Cat、Ariana Grande、安室奈美惠、Lady gaga、BLACKPINK等等都是她的仿妆&cover对象。

In the period of the COVID-19, there is no showcase could perform anywhere. Yayoi Daimon and her friends had made a new series of make-up cover video on YouTube. MAKE UP X COVER SONG have covered Alicia Keys, Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, Namie Amour, Lady Gaga, Blackpink and Jolin Tsai.

進行中の不断制造惊喜的宝藏Keep making surprises



Singer, songwriter, DJ, dancer, Yayoi Daimon life has become every girl’s dream, such a freedom, effort, love. It's like you never know what surprise Doraemon will take out of his pocket.

There are striking visual modeling, ear grabbing music and passionate live performance. Any reason you follow her.
