

What is the Elec. Girl?

从 电气女士 到 带电女孩 的转变

“电气女士音乐节”是我们为新一代女性打造的专属节日,目的是向乐迷们集体呈现中国女性音乐家图景,跨越北京、上海、成都、广州,共有数万人 参与了共3届“电气女士音乐节”。现场有精彩的音乐演出、炫目的艺术装置及女性KOL针对不同议题进行的“GIRLS TALK”,更有“NO BRA”活动。

“带电女孩”是“电气女士音乐节”的厂牌进化,我们将为来自全世界各地的酷女孩提供平台,打造中国第一个全女性音乐厂牌。音乐、艺术、思想、潮 流、自媒体、亚文化...重点关注女性创造者,“带电女孩”将让世界听到更多女性的声音,看到更多可能。



酷女孩联盟,宣扬新世代的女性独立精神,具有平权意识,更加包容的性取向,思维跳跃的早熟少女...... 带电女孩将集结这些特有又新鲜的“属性”, 带大家体验最新最潮的生活方式。

The Transformation From Electric Lady to Elec.Girl

"Electric Lady’s Music Festival" is our exclusive festival for the new generation of women. The purpose is to present a collective picture of Chinese female musicians to music fans. It spans Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of people participated in the three sessions of "Electric Lady Music Festival". There were wonderful music performances, dazzling art installations and "girls talk" held by women KOL for different topics, and "no bra" activities.

"Elec.Girl" is the brand evolution of "Electric lady’s Music Festival". We will provide a platform for cool girls from all over the world to build China's first all-female music brand. Music, art, ideas, trends, web media, subculture... focus on female creators. "Elec. Girl" will let the world hear more women's voices and see more possibilities.

Transfer to a younger brand

 From music to art, from film to fashion life, the awakening of female consciousness of young girls is the trend now.

Cool girls’ alliance, which promotes the independent spirit of women in the new generation, has equal rights consciousness, more inclusive sexual orientation, and precocious girls with jumping thinking... Elec. Girls will gather these unique and fresh "attributes" to bring you to experience the latest fashion of life.


The Rise of Female Consciousness

到了2020年,女性文化创作者早已跳脱出男性为主导的社会架构。从 Beyonce、Rihanna到Billie Eilish, 再到李宇春、蔡依林;这些顶流女性艺人 大部分都是女性主义的宣扬者,女性主义早不是只作为一种创作力量而存 在,而是成为了当代流行文化的爆款。


By 2020, female cultural creators have already jumped out of the male -dominated social structure. From Beyoncé, Rihanna, Billie Eilish, Chris Lee and Jolin Tsai, most of these top female artists are advocates of feminism. Feminism has not only existed as a creative force, but also become a pop culture of the contemporary era.

And the appearance of women in popular culture is gradually overlapping with that of women in real life. Girls are undergoing identity transformation, self-consciousness awakening, body expression freedom, music, art creation is even more unstoppable, electrified, not unique, but to find their original appearance: independent, confident, diverse and talented.


Team Advantage

带电女孩团队核心成员拥有对音乐及音乐行业超过十年的认知和理解,曾 经创办中国第一个嘻哈厂牌(龙门阵唱片,2004),也创办现场音乐视频 媒体(野马现场,2015)及多个音乐节品牌(张北草原音乐节、MTA天漠 音乐节、妈妈爸爸生活节、电气女士音乐节、WR/OC潮流音乐节)

The core members of the live girl team have more than 10 years' knowledge and understanding of music and music industry. They have founded China's first hip hop brand (Longmen array records, 2004), live music and video media (Mustang live, 2015) and several music festival brands (Zhangbei grassland Music Festival, MTA Tianmo) Music Festival, mom and dad's life festival, electrical women's Music Festival, WR / OC trend Music Festival).


MAIN Business


艺人经纪/Artist Management


Focus on women's identity from all over the world.The same creators, unlimited style, discovery potential.New female musicians, continue to sign contracts. 

活动主办/Event Host


From online to offline, from music festivals to cultural salons, to art exhibitions, we will carry out diversified live girl theme activities.

社群运营/Community Operation

签约一批女性KOL, 跨越行业,打造多元化的带电女孩新媒体矩阵,进行新媒体的运营。

Sign up for a group of women KOL, cross the industry, create a diversified live girl new media matrix, carry out new media operation.

音乐版权 /Musical Copyright


Record publishing with full contract artists at home and international music Copyright Agency for female artists.Create the most creative female music copyright in China Library.

短视频内容/Short Video Content


With contracted female artists as the main body, short video programs suitable for young independent female groups are created and released through all media.

潮流文化及IP授权/Trend culture and IP licensing

围绕带电女孩主题以及签约艺人, 打造独立女性认同的潮流服饰品牌,打通线上线下消费场景。

Around the theme of live girls and contracted artists, we will create fashion brands recognized by independent women and get through online and offline consumption scenarios.