Abyss X



特 立 独 行

From Greece

Artist / creative singer / Brand Manager

U n u s u a l

Abyss X Press Pic by Orograph & Abyss X.jpg

你很难用单个词语去形容Abyss X。

“X代表无限可能”,张雨绮如是说。没错,Abyss X的身上就是有无限可能。她身上有很多标签,艺术家/创作型歌手/品牌主理人等等,但是这些标签都不能准确地概括她。

It's hard to define Abyss X in a single word.

"X stands for infinite possibility," says Yuqi Zhang. Yes, there's a lot of possibilities in Abyss X. She has a lot of labels, artist / Songwriter / Brand Manager, etc., but these labels cannot accurately summarize her.


Abyss X (原名Evangelia Lachianina),她的音乐风格复杂多变,世界音乐、流行音乐、爵士乐、电音等多个领域都是她汲取灵感的流派。她一直关注音乐与电影等艺术领域,将从中获得的灵感与编舞结合起来,呈现在自己的MV中。

Hailing from Crete, interdisciplinary artist and performer Abyss X became a virtuosa in experimental cross-genre composition by crafting a unique melange of her homeland’s remarkable hymns and sultry folk club pandemonium. Emerging from an uncanny yet extraordinary sound palette, her music also carries inspiration from world music, pop, jazz, techno, noise and trip hop. Formerly a professional dancer and theatre director and video designer, Abyss X's musical endeavours didn't begin until 2015.

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如果你是古希腊神话的狂热粉丝,那你一定对Abyss  X的家乡克里特岛有所了解。希腊第一大岛「克里特岛」有着古老又神秘的米诺安文化,为她创作音乐提供了无限的灵感。Abyss X喜欢在不同的城市中流动并扩展自己交际圈,这也是后来她选择在柏林、纽约、伦敦等城市放逐生活的原因。因为生活经历,她既承载了克里特岛神秘独特的气质,又融合了柏林、纽约、伦敦等大都市的前卫理念,所以造就了独一无二的她。

Affiliated with various forward-thinking labels such as Halcyon Veil and Danse Noire, Abyss X also launched her own imprint SHXME; a not-for-profit initiative aiming to support campaigns with a focus on social change. The label launched in 2017 in collaboration with Support.FM, A crowdfunding tool to support trans and gender nonconforming people in jail, prison, and detention. Abyss X continues to expand her signature sound through various commissioned performances and projects.



2015年,Abyss X发行了她的第一张EP <Echoes> ,将流行唱法与鼓点节奏结合在一起,在「蒸  汽  波」盛行的2015中一下子抓住了乐迷的耳朵。从<Echoes>开始,Abyss X以每年一张Album/EP的速度向世界不断传输她的艺术态度。她认为,流行乐是一种超越禁忌的自我表达形式。她称自己是“福音教士”、“现代萨满”,如果你对这个自我定位有所迷惑,或许 <Pleasures of the Bull> 这张EP能帮助你了解一二。2019年,Abyss X回到她的家乡克里特岛,担任「Nature Loves Courage」音乐节的策划与艺术总监,并与Aurora Halal, Juliana Huxtable, DEBONAIR, Nkisi, Rabit, Ziúr, Gabber Eleganza, DJ Paypal等一众艺术家一起登台表演。 

In the past she has collaborated with the likes of Rabit, SOPHIE, HOK and Rui Ho as well as with renowned traditional Cretan lyra player Maria Skoula. She is also the artistic director of her newly launched festival Nature Loves Courage which takes place in her motherland during the summer. The festival boasts a stellar line up of cutting-edge producers and prolific Djs.




除了在音乐上的思考, Abyss X也致力于将思考转化为实际行动。她运营着自己的非营利性电台SHXME,电台获得的收益将全部用来帮助在监狱、拘留所中的跨性别群体,旨在推动社会变革。在时尚方面,她认为穿搭是表现自己态度的重要方式。“我衣柜里所有衣服的背后都有故事”,她说。“当女性穿两件套时,大家会认为这是boss look,这就是穿搭的表现力。穿搭是提升自我价值的行为,我想通过穿搭让自己感觉良好。”

Abyss X holds a degree in Computer Science, a master’s in performance from Central St Martins in London and she is also an alumni of the Music Business department at UCLA. She also owns an impressive tour résumé, stacking countless live appearances and DJ sets at festivals and venues across the globe. Her live shows are fueled with elements of pop, performance art, dance and opera. Her 4-octave range voice combined with her sharp movement make for a highly performative and arresting show.

Love Altercation


今年,Abyss X带着她的全新专辑👆 <Love Altercation> 正式加入带电女孩厂牌,将她对音乐还有社会的思考分享给中国的乐迷朋友们。她是你这个夏天一定不会想错过的创作型歌手。点击MV,感受Abyss X带来的视觉盛宴吧!

This year, Abyss x officially joined the Elec. Girl brand with her new album Love Alternation, in order to share her thoughts on music and society to Chinese music fans. She's the songwriter you won't want to miss this summer. Click MV to experience the visual feast brought by abyss X!