
带电女孩Elec.Girl签约艺人、甜系卧室唱作人Ivoris来自墨尔本,她柔滑丝绸般的声音,在她发行首张单曲《Honeysea》时,就俘获一批全球的忠实听众,在国外拥有一定影响力的同时,在中国也获得许多乐迷的关注。在过去的几年里,Ivoris 的甜美动人的嗓音与旋律越来越受到当地音乐人的关注,并积累了数百万的乐迷听众。 那种独立甜美的酷感让听众对她的音乐深深迷恋。Ivoris创作初始经常会从 Griff、Shawn Wasabi 和 UMI 等艺术家那里汲取灵感。她创造了一个音乐世界,并将流行音乐和 R&B 融合到梦幻多彩的美学中。

Ivoris is the silky-smooth voice set to be your newest obsession. Her debut single ‘Honeysea’ quickly attracted loyal fans across the globe, who were drawn to her gentle vocals and sticky-sweet melodies. This was only the beginning for the singer-songwriter-producer, who has since earned consistent placements on Spotify editorial playlists and amassed millions of streams.

“I Wish My Mind Would Shut Up” is a personal and charming invitation as Ivoris forays into a new musical world. A self-professed overthinker, she describes this song as an exasperated page ripped from her diary. “I overthink too much, I’m Rapunzel stuck inside my head”, she sings, her whimsical vocals dancing on a bed of Disneyesque strings. Written, produced and mixed by Ivoris herself, this track is an overthinker’s anthem wrapped up in a colourful and bubbly aesthetic.