Revenge Wife

Liz Nistico作为HOLYCHILD主唱,Revenge Wife是她近几年刚刚开拓的个人艺术代号。熟知她的粉丝对于她在艺术生涯做出的这一举动并不惊讶。

作为 HOLYCHILD 一员的时候,Nistico 发行了极具个人风格的作品,并指导MV的拍摄,用这些艺术形式阐述了流行文化中的女性主义。此外,她还曾进行全球巡演并参加多个音乐节(Lollapalooza、Governor’s Ball、ACL、FujiRock)。

这些丰富的经历造就了现在Revenge Wife。无论是 Revenge Wife 还是 HOLYCCHILD,她歌词中描绘的那种极致的心碎都激起了听众的关注,歌词内容展示了她个人生活以及音乐行业所经历的创伤。在音乐中,Liz将这些与充满活力的流行合成器等要素结合起来,形成一种奇特的音乐听感。

现在的Revenge Wife将自己定义为一位在公众眼中不断成长的女性艺术家。她的音乐在不断创新和拓展,她也正在以词曲作者、导演、表演者、歌手和个人的身份进入全新的艺术领域。

Revenge Wife is the solo project of HOLYCHILD lead singer, Liz Nistico. Those who have witnessed her life as an artist can attest that she’s no stranger to evolution.

In her time with indie sensation HOLYCHILD, Nistico expounded feminism in pop culture, releasing highly personal songs. She was also able to further her skill set as an artist– directing all of the music videos, getting a record deal with Glassnote Records, touring the world, and playing multiple festivals (Lollapalooza, Governor’s Ball, ACL, FujiRock).

Her experience is why Revenge Wife feels so refined. With both Revenge Wife and HOLYCCHILD she piques everyone’s curiosity in the way she expresses extreme vulnerability within her lyrics, depicting heartbreak and past trauma, both in her personal life and in her time in the music industry, and combines them with an effervescent synth-pop sound.

Accolades aside, she stands as a female artist who continues to grow in the public eye. Her sound is evolving and she’s moving into new territories as a songwriter, a director, a performer, a singer, and a person. She's currently writing a feature-length horror film.