


被Billie Eilish墙裂推荐




Elec Pop Artist

From Israel


Recommended by Billie Eilish

Elec, Indie, Alternative R&B, Pop, Hip-hop


如果一个东西能够最快触发人类感官开关,这个东西应该是音乐。一个女孩的音乐究竟能够给我们带来什么样的冲击?Noga Erez,在另类的次元里摆弄脉搏式的电流,行走的步伐,眨动的双眼,摇晃的脑袋,都是它的跻身之地。企图留下电击式的记忆,触发最浮游的幻想。这种微妙的感觉,我想只有Noga Erez(诺佳)的电子乐能够带给你。

If this thing is human, it should be the fastest thing to trigger music. What kind of impact can a girl's music bring to us? Noga Erez, in a different dimension, plays with pulse like electric current, walking pace, blinking eyes, shaking head, is its place. Trying to leave a shock like memory, trigger the most floating fantasy. I think only Noga Erez's electronic music can bring you this subtle feeling.


Noga Erez(诺佳)的首张专辑《Off the Radar》表达了她对所生活地方的反抗和愤怒。自己的感触、心情、身体,她把自己完全交给了音乐。2017年苹果音乐就用了《Dance While You Shoot》作广告歌曲。

"One is our identity in real life, and the other is our self in social media."

Noga Erez's debut album off the radar expresses her resistance and anger at the place she lives. Her own feelings, feelings, body, she completely gave herself to music. In 2017, apple music used dance while you shoot as an advertising song.

Dance While You Shoot




Many of her songs are socially and politically conscious to inspire change. Growing up in Israel, she always pays close attention to the social dynamics. Although she sometimes chooses to paralyze herself and quit TV and newspapers, everything she thinks is "bloodthirsty" news. But the door is always closed outside the sound. She remained angry and observant, infusing her emotions into her music. The single "pity" released in 2017 is about a tragic sexual assault in Israel. At the time of the crime, onlookers stood by, used their mobile phones to take videos, and then shared them with the Internet. Shocked by the reaction, Noga wrote pity to satirize the phenomenon. "Dance while you shoot" is a criticism of the government's handling of poverty and abuse of power. The whole album of "off the radar" in 2017 conveys the panic of her life in a turbulent region. She is not talkative, so that music has become an outlet for her opinions. In the dimension full of music, she can boldly say some dark, rebellious and unreasonable words. Through art, she freely expressed her feelings.


她的许多歌曲都具有社会和政治意识,以激发变革。成长在以色列的她时刻关注着社会的动态,虽然有时候也会选择麻痹自己,戒掉电视、报纸,一切她认为在“嗜血”的新闻。但家门始终是关不住外界声音的。她保持愤怒和观察,将情绪注入她的音乐。2017年发布的单曲《Pity》讲述的就是以色列一起令人悲愤的性侵案。案发时,围观者站在旁边,使用手机拍摄录像,然后分享到网络。Noga对大家的反应感到震惊,然后写了首《Pity》来讽刺这一现象。《Dance While You Shoot》是对政府处理贫困问题以及滥用权力的批评。2017年《off the radar》整张专辑传达了她生活在动荡地区的恐慌状态。并不健谈的她,使音乐成为了她表达观点的出口。在充满音乐的维度中,她才可以大胆说一些黑暗、叛逆、离谱的话。通过艺术,她自由地表达了自己的感受。



Her music has never been preoccupied. In modern times, it's the right thing for a "cold tempered" girl to be bold. Views, which was launched in February 2020, is a song that can successfully make you shake your head in the first note. The song tells the story of young people losing confidence in the rules of social media in the over saturated network data, so they begin to pursue exaggeration and improve their quality of life, appearance and personal micro world. Because it gets more attention than seriously creating music. This song reflects this phenomenon. And Noga wants to get out of this futile race.






Her music is very technical and aggressive.

Noga not only creates powerful and sharp lyrics, but is also very good at presenting intricate sounds. "I think music and words have the same effect on the brain, but the brain's response to music is more primitive. When you hear something, you can relate it to a lot of different things. It's more hierarchical, and it's subtle. " For Noga and her partner, ori rousso, production and tempo are a deeper way to communicate, suitable for capturing feelings that are more abstract and difficult to express in words. Her aggression also conquered Billie eilish. In the radio program, Billie eilish frantically recommended Noga's "Chin Chin" and repeatedly praised it” so hardcore“.



Noga不仅创造有力而敏锐的歌词,也非常擅长呈现错综复杂的声音。“我认为音乐和词语对大脑的作用相同,但大脑对音乐的反应更为原始。当你听到某些声音时,可以将它与很多不同的事物相关联,感觉会更加有层次,这种感觉很微妙。” 对于Noga和她的搭档Ori Rousso而言,制作和节拍都是一种更深层的交流方式,适合用来捕捉更抽象、更难以通过文字表达的感觉。她的侵略性也征服了Billie eilish。在电台节目中,Billie Eilish疯狂向大家推荐Noga的《Chin Chin》,并连连称赞“硬核硬核真硬核。”

Chin Chin
